Your Morni ROUTINE
We are what we repeatedly do
It is the small, everyday habits, routines, and rituals that make up our life as a whole. During this 7-day challenge, I am inviting you into my top morning rituals that play a BIG role in my physical body, my connection to myself, and have and continue to be a tool for transformation. If you have been wondering 'where to start' when it comes to changing your body and your life, this seven-day challenge is it.
Join the Challenge Now
About Kenzie.
People often ask me 'where to start' when it comes to a physical transformation... My personal transformation began when I changed what I ate for breakfast and my morning routine. The routine I am sharing with you is the one I've used to live in the body I have, to manifest things I want and desire (I'm sharing the meditations in this challenge), and it's the foundation of my life. No matter where I am, I have this routine, and it has served me deeply.
When you make choices that make you feel good about yourself, especially first thing in the morning, you will begin to make different choices throughout your day. I always tell people: change what you eat for breakfast, and I promise you will begin to change your life—mentally, emotionally, and physically. Oh, and not to mention the daily practice(s) that are in this one. I'm sharing my top tools and secrets!